On 15 September 2022 the Environmental Commissioner at the Ministry of Mines and Energy of Namibia has signed the Environmental Clearance Certificate (ECC).
The ECC is the ultimate Government document which authorises the application of the already deposited and approved Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) and the Environmental Management Plan (EMP) to run a 2D seismic survey in our target areas.
The granting of the ECC constitutes an approval for the implementation of the activities proposed in the approved EMP, hence making the approved EMP a legally binding document.
The ECC allows MEL to undertake a 2D seismic survey of up to 576 km lines, covering the Areas of
Interest in the PEL 93, Owambo Sedimentary Basin, Oshikoto and Ohangwena Regions in Northern Namibia.
The ECC is valid for a period of 3 years, i.e. until September 2025.
Acquisition of new seismic lines within the three AOIs in PEL 93 is deployed in MEL’s work programme for the upcoming 6 months, prior to taking decision on drilling locations. In the last months MEL has been actively taking contact with eligible contractors to implement the 2D seismic, and meet our technical objectives and financial expectations.
MEL is grateful to the Ministry for their continues support and valuable advices.